

It was November 28 when Air 21 called to give my letter from the Canadian Embassy. I got hold of my envelope that contain my passport, my LMIA/LMO copy, COE's and reference letters and all of my educational and professional documents and the REJECTION LETTER!

You heard it right! Rejection letter! I was in my room when I opened the envelope. I admit I was nervous but excited at the same time! But my excitement suddenly left me when I read the letter. I immediately messaged Annabelle of the decision. She, on the other hand was so surprised she immediately called via Viber. She can't believe it either! I then emailed Duncan. He, too was dismayed! 

For the next 2 weeks, Annabelle was disappointed but nonetheless took time to find out what went wrong. We have to find out what we did wrong or what we did not do that made the application rejected. Annabelle suggested we make petition at the Embassy Canada! I told her I'm done with my part. It's them who will move to get an answer. Duncan and Martha worked it out to get through to the Mayor and petition reached the Parliamentary. A certain member of the parliamentary took the case and she made me sign a consent form for the reopening of my application. Unfortunately, Christmas holiday is about to start. Embassies and the Parliament were on recess and offices will be reopened on January 5, 2015.

We waited and while we wait, I prayed hard for the visa. This time, I knew I need to go! I'm not sure what made me reconsider but there is a peaceful feeling that I need to go there someday! There is this peaceful feeling every time I prayed. I knew then that God knows  what's best for me! And I learned to hope and waited! 


IApril 2014:

Annabelle said I need to send my resume to my soon-to-be employer's son, Duncan to evaluate. He then emailed me wanting for a Skype interview. Interview was fast and verypersonalized. He must have been impressed with my resume! He immediately decided to start with the application. With the help of Annabelle who works for a recruitment agency in Vancouver, they were able to file a Labor Market Opinion (LMO) the next month.

Approval came a month after and copy was sent to me on the last week of June. I received the letter mid-July but did not make any move to fill in application forms. Those times, I already am doing well with my Glutathione business. I thought that if I fill up an application that soon, I might be in Canada on winter time. I waited for another 4 months. Duncan became impatient. He gave me an ultimatum: fill in an application or he will back off from helping me get through. Well, I was advised to push through but this time, with my "unwilling heart and mind". My prayers were then "Thy will be done, Lord!". And I started filling in forms that took me a week.

I then paid the application fee, filed up my documents and travelled to the VFS-Global Canadian Visa Center in Makati for filing hoping it will take long to wait for their response. That was a Friday. Amazingly, waiting period was 48 hours! Email was sent Monday morning with instructions that I need to have my medical examinations done, schedule my SPEAK test and send my original passport plus my employer to send proof they can pay an employee. 

Again, I was hesitant! If the application process takes so fast, then approval may also be very fast. I made the decision to file my SPEAK test on the 2nd week of November but heard that some difficulty might be encountered with registration so I was once again forced to do it ASAP. Had my SPEAK test first week of November with no difficulty. I was positive I made it. And I did!

On the next week, I proceeded with my medical exam at NHS-Baguio City. I was confident I am as healthy as a carabao and will pass the exam without a doubt! And I did!

Original passport was also submitted during the SPEAK test so the only thing left was the documents to be sent by the employer. Six documents (proof of income and accommodation) were sent by Martha, my representative and my employer's family friend in Canada a day before my deadline! Everybody was worried but we beat the deadline!

A week after we sent all what was requested by the embassy, a phone call was received! On the line, the man said, "a document from the Canadian Embassy is with me! Where is your exact address, ma'am?" This is it! I thought! I was so anxious and nervous! This is really it! But........



It was well planned. My daughters and I were one day on bed talking about my plans. I was about to fly to the Middle East back then. Our anxiety were so high that while we talk of me leaving, there were tears on our cheeks knowing we won't see each other for a long time. Long time was 10 months for an OFW woking for the government in Saudi Arabia.

Starting anew in the Philippines isn't easy. Although equipped with knowledge and experiences, 2 loopholes are ahead of me: my age (40 is the cut off of agencies for the Middle East) and I became choosy with offers, especially from those in KSA and other GCC countries. But I don't have a choice. After having rested for a month, I started job hunting again. There were vacancies! A lot! But in a place I vowed not to step on in again! Saudi Arabia has lots of vacancies for nurses so I turned down offers thinking I have a better place to go to other than KSA. Then came Ministry of Health-Oman. Tried my luck and passed both the exams and the interview. I started filling my brains with the thought that I will leave again in six (6) months but something happened in Oman that applications became an "express". The waiting period of 6-8months became 4 weeks! Visa was issued but I refused the second time. What gave me the courage to refuse such a job was the offer made in Canada for me to do Live in caregiving to Annabelle's (my sister) present employer. To go to Canada with a willing sponsor is a blessing. Not all people would want to do sponsorship especially that they're not relatives. This one is the break I waited for. This is an answer to a prayer!