

We were at Lonsdale Quay mid-afternoon yesterday for lunch and the weather was good, sun was out tho' a bit chilly. We were about to leave the place when we saw this young man playing the violin at the corner. 

It wasn't actually the music that caught my attention but the message that was on the ground that reads: ALL MY FRIENDS ARE PLAYING VIDEO GAMES at one side. 

And on the other side, it says I PROMISE TO STAY IN SCHOOL that moved me.

The message was so touching that as he played and looked at me in the eye, I can see and feel his sincerity. My client was prompted to shell out $5 dollars from her pocket. She said it was for a good cause. Several other people were dropping coins and bills in his violin case. They, too were mused to see this young man work out to finish his studies and use his talent to finance his needs. It was indeed a sight to cheer on one chilly Friday afternoon. 

He thanked us for the bill we gave but I thanked him for his music and his desire to stay in school. 

This random act of kindness and him doing his best to keep abreast of his schooling is an inspiration.

May this story influence someone out there. That while many of you are playing video games, this young man was out here sharing his talent and has just touched someone else's heart.




Psychological resilience is defined as an individual's ability to properly adapt to stress and adversity. Stress and adversity can come in the shape of family or relationship problems, health problems, or workplace and financial worries, among others. Resilience is not a rare ability; in reality, it is found in the average individual and it can be learned and developed by virtually anyone. Resilience should be considered a process, rather than a trait to be had.

A common misapprehension is that resilient people are free from negative emotions or thoughts, remaining optimistic in most or all situations. To the contrary, resilient individuals have, through time, developed coping techniques that allow them to effectively and relatively easily navigate around or through crises. In other words, people who demonstrate resilience are people with optimistic attitude and positive emotionality and are, by practice, able to effectively balance negative emotions with positive ones. (Source: Wikipedia)

4 A's of Resilience: 
- ACCEPT the situation; 
- ADJUST (make healing choices) & let go;
- ASPIRE (dream again) to something new; 
- ACT (do something everyday). 

Life is left to be lived! Go after it! (FROM THE DR.OZ SHOW)
