It's an activity that was carefully planned for. It wasn't an easy task, yet today, we made it possible.
Almost 2 months ago, full time and ward missionaries of North Shore ward thought of doing an open house to showcase our basic beliefs to the community, as well as to give wonderful opportunities for the public to see the inside of the Mormon church building in Lynn Valley.
For weeks, Sisters Steele (who was transferred few weeks before the event) , Macaso, Money and Liao coordinated closely with the ward mission leader, Ninoy Bahin; members of the Bishopric and with the different auxiliary leaders for the upcoming activity. It was challenging as the Sunday before the schedule, there was the Annual General Conference and no church services was held in the chapel. Ad campaign thru text messages by the missionaries and Facebook posts kept us reminded. And so today, despite the heavy rainfall, members, leaders and non-members alike came to 941 Lynn Valley Road to check on the first open house for the Chapel since more than a decade ago.
This beautiful invitation card was handed to the members 2 weeks before the open house.
Our ward mission leader, Bro. Bahin and his wife, Maricar posted in Facebook that 3 days prior, they gave away flyers at the nearby mall and bus stop, with the caption:
At exactly 11:10 in the morning, more than 30 people were gathered together at the sacrament hall where the program was officially opened by Arnel Oro, 2nd counselor in the Bishopric. An opening prayer was rendered then we proceeded to the different rooms of the chapel.
First stop was at the Young Women's room. Vanessa Bahin introduced us to the program.

Sister Bahin talked of the YW organization as a whole, how a young woman is entered into Beehive, Miamaid, and Laurel in the YW, their various projects, Sunday lessons, weekly activities and what they want to achieve while they are in the program.
Vanessa also mentioned the Young Women theme and motto which they recite weekly to be reminded of their divine potentials.

Members listened intently as she discussed further of the YW theme, motto and this year's theme which is ASK.
This year, the Young Women organization is focused on the theme ASK with the scriptural reference in James 1:5.

Our next stop was at the cultural hall. Jonathan Limos, the Young Men president used the hall (due to bigger space) to showcase most of the things young men do like camping and other outdoor activities.
Brother Limos explained that the purpose of the organization is to assist the young men ages 12-18 to come unto Christ through the different programs of the church like Duty to God, Sunday lessons, scouting and other activities that promote faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
He also explained the Young Men's theme for the year which is the same as the YW : ASK with James 1:5 as the scriptural reference. Strength of youth was mentioned, the seminary program and various young men activities that help prepare these young men to serve a full time mission.
At the conclusion of his presentation, a video of Joseph Smith when he asked God which church to join was shown. Assisting him was 11 year-old Aaron Carriere, a soon-to-be young men.
The Relief Society Organization was introduced by Brenna Baumgartner, the ward RS president.
Sister Brenna talked of the RS theme Charity and how we learn to become more like our Savior.
Jody Limos discussed the many humanitarian projects the relief society is involved in. She mentioned that the ward had chosen the Lookout shelter, Books and Bluejeans drive, the John Volken Academy, Spectrum, and the Baskets of Love for babies with Down Syndrome as beneficiaries.
Brenna continued on with a lesson on Faith, where she used a jar with nothing on it but later made us realize that there is actually something in it, which was air but we can't see it. She likened it with our faith.
On Genealogy. Bro. Troy and Sister Annie Strong discussed about Family Research.
Brother Strong taught one of the investigators how to get an account on Family Research to help him start his genealogy.
In this picture, Xan was making his Family Research account.
There are many resources available for members who would want to do genealogical research.


Heather Bourne, the ward primary president gave us a peek of what is done when children are in the Primary Class. According to Heather, music time and sharing time are great opportunities for kids to learn about the gospel. The Primary theme CTR or Choose The Right with scriptural reference on Joshua 24:15 was also mentioned.
Then Sister Bourne gave us an example of how a lesson is taught in the primary. She discussed the Plan of Salvation where
the questions Where did I come From, What is my purpose in life, Where will I go after this life were answered using pictures as her medium.
She concluded her presentation by reading lyrics of the children's song I Live In Heaven.

Arnel Oro, second counselor in the Bishopric briefly explained the ordinance of baptism.
He mentioned that our chapel has a baptismal font where we baptize people who have accepted the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Furthermore, the full time missionaries explained of the most important components of baptism in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: baptism by immersion by one having proper authority to baptize. Sister Macaso said that baptism is necessary for an individual to become a member of the church and to receive eternal salvation.

Bishop Bateman welcomed us in his office, which he said wasn't a "principal's office" because what is discussed in that room is confidential and never divulged to anyone. He let us experience how it feels like to be in the Bishop's office.
Bishop Bateman explained his responsibilities in the ward and his role to the members of his congregation, the many resources that helped him fulfill his calling, him being a judge in Israel, and his role in assisting members undergo repentance process.
He also discussed the pamphlet For the Strength of Youth and gave each investigator a copy. He concluded by bearing his testimony of the Gospel.
The tour was closed at the Sacrament Hall where a video about Jesus Christ was shown. I personally felt the Spirit and there was joy as I watch how the Savior have loved us that He atoned for our sins that if we repent, we can come back into His presence.
The program was closed with a prayer and the blessing of food.

A light snack was provided after the tour.
We enjoyed the sweets and the treats as we thank each one for coming.
Bishop Bateman, in his concluding talk extended an invitation to those investigators who attended: COME AND TRY US OUT! It was bold, straightforward yet compelling and with love.
And to all those who are searching for the truth, we invite you all to COME AND TRY US OUT!

Sent from my iPhone
Almost 2 months ago, full time and ward missionaries of North Shore ward thought of doing an open house to showcase our basic beliefs to the community, as well as to give wonderful opportunities for the public to see the inside of the Mormon church building in Lynn Valley.
For weeks, Sisters Steele (who was transferred few weeks before the event) , Macaso, Money and Liao coordinated closely with the ward mission leader, Ninoy Bahin; members of the Bishopric and with the different auxiliary leaders for the upcoming activity. It was challenging as the Sunday before the schedule, there was the Annual General Conference and no church services was held in the chapel. Ad campaign thru text messages by the missionaries and Facebook posts kept us reminded. And so today, despite the heavy rainfall, members, leaders and non-members alike came to 941 Lynn Valley Road to check on the first open house for the Chapel since more than a decade ago.
This beautiful invitation card was handed to the members 2 weeks before the open house.
Our ward mission leader, Bro. Bahin and his wife, Maricar posted in Facebook that 3 days prior, they gave away flyers at the nearby mall and bus stop, with the caption:
Just finished giving out our church tour flyers for our open house on Saturday! Love doing missionary work with our ward mission leader Ninoy Bahin :) #ishouldhavegoneonamission #wardmissionary
(Photo grabbed from Car's Facebook account)
At exactly 11:10 in the morning, more than 30 people were gathered together at the sacrament hall where the program was officially opened by Arnel Oro, 2nd counselor in the Bishopric. An opening prayer was rendered then we proceeded to the different rooms of the chapel.
First stop was at the Young Women's room. Vanessa Bahin introduced us to the program.

Sister Bahin talked of the YW organization as a whole, how a young woman is entered into Beehive, Miamaid, and Laurel in the YW, their various projects, Sunday lessons, weekly activities and what they want to achieve while they are in the program.
Vanessa also mentioned the Young Women theme and motto which they recite weekly to be reminded of their divine potentials.

Members listened intently as she discussed further of the YW theme, motto and this year's theme which is ASK.
This year, the Young Women organization is focused on the theme ASK with the scriptural reference in James 1:5.

Our next stop was at the cultural hall. Jonathan Limos, the Young Men president used the hall (due to bigger space) to showcase most of the things young men do like camping and other outdoor activities.
Brother Limos explained that the purpose of the organization is to assist the young men ages 12-18 to come unto Christ through the different programs of the church like Duty to God, Sunday lessons, scouting and other activities that promote faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
He also explained the Young Men's theme for the year which is the same as the YW : ASK with James 1:5 as the scriptural reference. Strength of youth was mentioned, the seminary program and various young men activities that help prepare these young men to serve a full time mission.
At the conclusion of his presentation, a video of Joseph Smith when he asked God which church to join was shown. Assisting him was 11 year-old Aaron Carriere, a soon-to-be young men.
The Relief Society Organization was introduced by Brenna Baumgartner, the ward RS president.
Sister Brenna talked of the RS theme Charity and how we learn to become more like our Savior.
Jody Limos discussed the many humanitarian projects the relief society is involved in. She mentioned that the ward had chosen the Lookout shelter, Books and Bluejeans drive, the John Volken Academy, Spectrum, and the Baskets of Love for babies with Down Syndrome as beneficiaries.
Brenna continued on with a lesson on Faith, where she used a jar with nothing on it but later made us realize that there is actually something in it, which was air but we can't see it. She likened it with our faith.
On Genealogy. Bro. Troy and Sister Annie Strong discussed about Family Research.
Brother Strong taught one of the investigators how to get an account on Family Research to help him start his genealogy.
In this picture, Xan was making his Family Research account.
There are many resources available for members who would want to do genealogical research.


Heather Bourne, the ward primary president gave us a peek of what is done when children are in the Primary Class. According to Heather, music time and sharing time are great opportunities for kids to learn about the gospel. The Primary theme CTR or Choose The Right with scriptural reference on Joshua 24:15 was also mentioned.
Then Sister Bourne gave us an example of how a lesson is taught in the primary. She discussed the Plan of Salvation where
the questions Where did I come From, What is my purpose in life, Where will I go after this life were answered using pictures as her medium.
She concluded her presentation by reading lyrics of the children's song I Live In Heaven.

Arnel Oro, second counselor in the Bishopric briefly explained the ordinance of baptism.
Furthermore, the full time missionaries explained of the most important components of baptism in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: baptism by immersion by one having proper authority to baptize. Sister Macaso said that baptism is necessary for an individual to become a member of the church and to receive eternal salvation.

Bishop Bateman welcomed us in his office, which he said wasn't a "principal's office" because what is discussed in that room is confidential and never divulged to anyone. He let us experience how it feels like to be in the Bishop's office.
Bishop Bateman explained his responsibilities in the ward and his role to the members of his congregation, the many resources that helped him fulfill his calling, him being a judge in Israel, and his role in assisting members undergo repentance process.
He also discussed the pamphlet For the Strength of Youth and gave each investigator a copy. He concluded by bearing his testimony of the Gospel.
The tour was closed at the Sacrament Hall where a video about Jesus Christ was shown. I personally felt the Spirit and there was joy as I watch how the Savior have loved us that He atoned for our sins that if we repent, we can come back into His presence.
The program was closed with a prayer and the blessing of food.

A light snack was provided after the tour.
We enjoyed the sweets and the treats as we thank each one for coming.
And to all those who are searching for the truth, we invite you all to COME AND TRY US OUT!

Sent from my iPhone